Friday, September 26, 2008


Who is responsible for this financial crisis? “Runaway capitalism.” “Corporate greed.” Yeah, the usual devils of the American Left. We’ve heard it all before. Every time liberals want to scare voters into voting for them, they stir up class envy.

Bush has been trying to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac since 2001. 17 times he tried, and was blocked by democrats. The “Gateway Pundit” has it documented here:

Of all people, Barney Frank, the Chairman if Financial Services, is out there blaming Reagan, Bush, Republicans, and capitalism itself for our problems. He is the one who orchestrated this mess by his incompetence. See it here at It also turns out Frank’s former lover worked for Fannie May--and check this out at

Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd, (who took money from the failed mortage company Countrywide) have blood on their hands. And these two morons are out there, lying through their teeth, saying they’re going to FIX the problem they allowed to happen!

Now, they (Bush included!) want to spend $700 billion dollars of your money to engineer the largest government takeover of private business in American history!

There’s a bigger issue here. Liberals don’t have a problem making money. They have a problem with the average American making money. Sadly, they are all socialists at heart.

You know, when millionaire Ivy League graduate Michelle Obama is out there encouraging young people not to go out and try to make something of themselves, while she herself has done quite well (thank you very much), does it not stinketh a bit?

“Hey! I’m one of you!” the liberal says. Hogwash. The liberal Democrat politician wants to take over as much of the economy as possible. Why? Because when he controls your money (through excessive taxes), your guns (through gun-restrictions that violate the Constitution), your family (by encouraging casual sex, homosexuality, and unrestricted abortion), and your property (apparently through owning all these mortgage companies), he controls you. Then, you are no longer a threat to his power. That’s why he has to destroy your faith in God, your confidence in yourself, and destroy your dignity by giving you one hand-out after another. Take the easy road, he says.

The easy road leads to slavery.

“The government needs to take care of you.” Scary. We’ve gone from JFK saying “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” to today’s liberal mantra: “Demand what you got coming to you!” Who pays the bill?

If you have a job, if you pay taxes, you pay. But what happens when the hardworking people in America finally start listening to their liberal friends, and they stop working too? Let’s all just lie down and take the slow road. But then, who’s going to pay the taxes and finance all this stuff? Then we will see our liberal “saviors” for what they are. The kid gloves will be off. The liberal socialists will own everything, all the power, money, and property will be in their hands. Then, we will find ourselves in a real “worker’s paradise.” One that looks like Venezuela or North Korea.

1 comment:

hugs n kisses said...

Your posting is a perfect example of what is wrong with the political discourse in our country. People on each side of the political aisle keep screaming and pointing their fingers at one another. Let's stop the pissing contest and have a reality check. Both parties are responsible for this financial mess and the voters need to hold them accountable for this entire debacle.
On a final note, you mention this blog as coming from a conservative Christian viewpoint. I, too, am a Christian and strongly believe that we hurt any ministry and outreach when we include God in our political debates. Let's remember Matthew 4:8-10. Our goal, as Christians is to enter the heavenly kingdom and not become tempted or distracted by the power and riches offered here on Earth.