Monday, September 22, 2008

Cheer up!

In this election cycle, for conservatives, there’s reason for REAL OPTIMISM no matter WHO wins.

Why, you ask, do I say that?

You see, for the liberals, Barack is the “chosen one.” He is frequently parodied as being “the Messiah.” Conservatives laugh at this, but the liberals actually believe it!

Meanwhile, John McCain? Well, no conservative really expects very much from him. We admire his background, but frankly, we cringe at some of his statements on immigration, global warming, and other issues.

Am I being inconsistent here? Not at all! You see, with Barry Obama, expectations are so high that he can’t possibly live up to them! Nobody could!

With McCain, deep down, conservatives secretly say “ugh” to themselves. For him to nominate a more conservative running-mate to appeal to his base should have been a no-brainer. But the mere fact that he did, and that the candidate he picked was so perfect, energized the base in a way that would have been thought impossible in the weeks before the GOP convention.

Expectations for McCain are really pretty low. He doesn’t have to do much to impress us.

But Barry has to “save the world”. And he’s not up to it. And it will be obvious. McCain, on the other hand, has shown us when it counts, he can deliver. Let’s face it, he’s not much of a thinker. But he’s a heck of a do-er.

Revolutions don’t occur because of bad circumstances. Revolutions occur because expectations far-exceed the outcome. Four years of Obama will be painful, but one and a half years of Obama could be the set-up for a knockout punch in 2010.

Smile if you’re conservative. It’s gonna be all right.

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