Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can people in Hell smile?

Splendid. Now we know why the Democats really voted no to the bail-out. It didn't have enough pork in it. They passed the much larger version. A bill thick enough to stop a high-powered rifle round. No one who voted on it had any time to actually read it. So what have we got?

The Secretary of the Treasury is now the most powerful man in America. This bailout bill gives him the authority to "ensure" the economic well being of all Americans.

If tears could be shed in Heavan, George Washington, James Madison, and the rest of the Founding Fathers would be crying their eyes out. People, your Constitution just died.

And look at how the economy rebounded after the bailout. Yay. We're doing SO much better now. At least those AIG executives got their bonuses before Uncle Sam bailed them out. I was really losing sleep over those poor guys.

But the economy's still in the tank. 401Ks are evaporating. The baby boomers will have to all rely on Social Security now, which because of the declining birth-rate, can no longer support itself.

What do I mean by "declining birth rate?"

No, you don't "pay in" to Social Security and get your money back. You pay in, and the old folks living today get your money today. But there are fewer Generation Xers than there are Baby Boomers, so the "Pyramid Scheme" collapses with this generation.

In order for a Pyramid Scheme to work, there has to be more contributers on the bottom than receivers at the top. But while many of the Boomers came from huge families, those who had children (and didn't abort them) had fewer kids, like maybe one or two. Some bought in to the "Population Bomb" nonsense that we were going to run out of food if we didn't cut our birthrate. (But if you run out of food, you die, and the Population Bomb goes away. Stupid logic, really, even if it weren't based on nonsense).

Just wait. If retirement plans tank, Social Security becomes even more important than ever. And Social Security is scheduled to tank in the near future. All the politicians know it. But if you suggest reforming Social Security, you're accused of threatening to starve Mamaw and Papaw.

How's Mamaw and Papaw's 401K doin'? That's okay. They can live with you. Mamaw, Papaw, Great Uncle Cletus, Alcoholic Cousin Bob . . . oh yeah, you lost the house. That's how this mess all got started, wasn't it? Well then, we can all move in with Treasury Secretary Paulson He's our daddy now. And like a paper hanging son-of-a-gun, he can just print more money when he needs it.

[Important principle here: Printing more and more money DEVALUES money. What good is a billion dollars if a house suddenly costs a trillion dollars because of inflation?]

But thank goodness the government is taking over the banking system. They'll do a splendid job of managing our money. Just like they manage everything else.

Yeah, right.

If people in Hell can smile, Karl Marx must be grinning ear to ear.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Congressman Virgil Goode (R-VA) has introduced H.C.R. 40, "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada." This must be passed as soon as possible to stop this dangerous scheme, and the first steps you can take to get it passes are to get your own Congressman to co-sponsor it, get your Senators to introduce a Senate version. Then we can work to get it debated and passed in the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Please act today.

Streaming video from the "Conservative Causus" here:

Friday, September 26, 2008


Who is responsible for this financial crisis? “Runaway capitalism.” “Corporate greed.” Yeah, the usual devils of the American Left. We’ve heard it all before. Every time liberals want to scare voters into voting for them, they stir up class envy.

Bush has been trying to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac since 2001. 17 times he tried, and was blocked by democrats. The “Gateway Pundit” has it documented here:

Of all people, Barney Frank, the Chairman if Financial Services, is out there blaming Reagan, Bush, Republicans, and capitalism itself for our problems. He is the one who orchestrated this mess by his incompetence. See it here at It also turns out Frank’s former lover worked for Fannie May--and check this out at

Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd, (who took money from the failed mortage company Countrywide) have blood on their hands. And these two morons are out there, lying through their teeth, saying they’re going to FIX the problem they allowed to happen!

Now, they (Bush included!) want to spend $700 billion dollars of your money to engineer the largest government takeover of private business in American history!

There’s a bigger issue here. Liberals don’t have a problem making money. They have a problem with the average American making money. Sadly, they are all socialists at heart.

You know, when millionaire Ivy League graduate Michelle Obama is out there encouraging young people not to go out and try to make something of themselves, while she herself has done quite well (thank you very much), does it not stinketh a bit?

“Hey! I’m one of you!” the liberal says. Hogwash. The liberal Democrat politician wants to take over as much of the economy as possible. Why? Because when he controls your money (through excessive taxes), your guns (through gun-restrictions that violate the Constitution), your family (by encouraging casual sex, homosexuality, and unrestricted abortion), and your property (apparently through owning all these mortgage companies), he controls you. Then, you are no longer a threat to his power. That’s why he has to destroy your faith in God, your confidence in yourself, and destroy your dignity by giving you one hand-out after another. Take the easy road, he says.

The easy road leads to slavery.

“The government needs to take care of you.” Scary. We’ve gone from JFK saying “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” to today’s liberal mantra: “Demand what you got coming to you!” Who pays the bill?

If you have a job, if you pay taxes, you pay. But what happens when the hardworking people in America finally start listening to their liberal friends, and they stop working too? Let’s all just lie down and take the slow road. But then, who’s going to pay the taxes and finance all this stuff? Then we will see our liberal “saviors” for what they are. The kid gloves will be off. The liberal socialists will own everything, all the power, money, and property will be in their hands. Then, we will find ourselves in a real “worker’s paradise.” One that looks like Venezuela or North Korea.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cheer up!

In this election cycle, for conservatives, there’s reason for REAL OPTIMISM no matter WHO wins.

Why, you ask, do I say that?

You see, for the liberals, Barack is the “chosen one.” He is frequently parodied as being “the Messiah.” Conservatives laugh at this, but the liberals actually believe it!

Meanwhile, John McCain? Well, no conservative really expects very much from him. We admire his background, but frankly, we cringe at some of his statements on immigration, global warming, and other issues.

Am I being inconsistent here? Not at all! You see, with Barry Obama, expectations are so high that he can’t possibly live up to them! Nobody could!

With McCain, deep down, conservatives secretly say “ugh” to themselves. For him to nominate a more conservative running-mate to appeal to his base should have been a no-brainer. But the mere fact that he did, and that the candidate he picked was so perfect, energized the base in a way that would have been thought impossible in the weeks before the GOP convention.

Expectations for McCain are really pretty low. He doesn’t have to do much to impress us.

But Barry has to “save the world”. And he’s not up to it. And it will be obvious. McCain, on the other hand, has shown us when it counts, he can deliver. Let’s face it, he’s not much of a thinker. But he’s a heck of a do-er.

Revolutions don’t occur because of bad circumstances. Revolutions occur because expectations far-exceed the outcome. Four years of Obama will be painful, but one and a half years of Obama could be the set-up for a knockout punch in 2010.

Smile if you’re conservative. It’s gonna be all right.